I’m Susan Kare, Graphic Designer, and This is How I Work
by Andy Orin
May 2014 video presentation at the e.g. conference in Monterey, CA
“Susan Kare walks us through some key points regarding the design of icons and symbols”.
Interview with Graphic Designer Susan Kare
by Andy Butler
The Original Mac designer Susan Kare on how everday objects made computing personal
by Josh Ong
The Woman Behind Apple’s First Icons
by Zachary Crockett

Susan Kare is the subject of Kate Murphy’s popular weekly Download column.
Meet the Woman Who Launched a Billion Clicks
By Nathan Hurst

Iconic Icons
Susan Kare, the former Apple designer behind the ‘Happy Mac’ icon, discusses a well-designed life
By Ki Mae Heussner
The Sketchbook of Susan Kare,
the Artist Who Gave Computing
a Human Face
By Steve Silberman

The challenge of designing a personal computer that “the rest of us” would not only buy, but fall crazy in love with, however, required input from the kind of people who might some day be convinced to try using a Mac. Fittingly, one of the team’s most auspicious early hires was a young artist herself: Susan Kare.

Apple user or not, chances are you’re familiar with the “Sad Mac,” “Happy Mac,” and ticking watch icons, the original symbols of the Macintosh operating system. Those unforgettable digitized pictures were created by Susan Kare, who in 1982 helped reframe the computer as an accessible tool for the individual rather than a data-processing machine suitable only for big business.
Q&A With Susan Kare: The Woman Behind The Original Mac Icons
and Facebook’s Gift Icons
By Noah Davis
Susan Kare. La revolucion de los iconos
Por David Moreu
La magia del diseño grafico reside en su poder para cambiar la vida
de la gente en un momento fugaz y, justo después, pasar inadvertido.
Esto también sucede con los diseñadores mas vanguardistas, puesto
que apreciamos la magnitud de sus obras, pero apenas conocemos
detalles sobre sus vidas.

(Wook Kim’s Susan Kare article not available online)

Issue 31
June 15th, 2012 – October 15th, 2012
For the issue dedicated to form, the editors of Cartier Art Magazine
have brought together a group of expert authors to write about topics
they hold dear: architecture, art, music, science, history…
(Susan Kare article not available online)

SAN FRANCISCO, November 22, 2011 – Susan Kare, the noted Silicon Valley interface designer, today launched a new book,
Susan Kare: ICONS, featuring 80 of her most popular icons created between 1983-2011. The book comprises a collection of original Apple icons including: the Bomb, Watch cursor, Smiling Macintosh, and Moof the Dogcow—and the 1983 and 2011 portrait icons of Steve Jobs, among others.
View press release (pdf).

Kare is widely recognized as the groundbreaking designer of graphical user interfaces, mostly because the meaning of her symbols was instantly apparent.

Susan Kare, who designed the original Apple Macintosh icons, is selling a series of prints of her classic icons.

These prints are a one/two punch square in my art/design and Macintosh obsessions at the same time—so insanely cool I can’t stand it.

Susan Kare, famous for making UI elements and icons for the Mac in the 1980s, then NeXT afterwards, is now selling prints of her original Macintosh icons. It says to visitors, “I was a nerd before you.”

Susan Kare is the master of making icons iconic. From a mere handful of pixels she has created small-scale graphics that have become part of the visual language of computing.